Hello all things bright and shiny
Yesterday I made strawberry pie - something I've been wanting to do since I had a marathon Pushing Daisies session and because I am nothing if not suggestible when it comes to matters of food. There is no more pie since it was swooped down upon from above from the hungry maws of the vultu- whoops, my mom and dad and sister.
It's been a pretty eventful week as far as these things go. My car got a flat tire and I only realised the funny dragging noise had been the tyre popping like bubblegum when I was about halfway home anyway. Also I managed to lock myself out of my own house because I forgot that the sliding door onto the verandah is tempermental and inadvertantly locks itself if closed. Since I was the only one at home I thought I would have to break in and half-heartedly threw myself at the door a couple of times before I realised that if I open a window I could reach a set of keys.
What really sucked about this whole experience was that I could see the delicious toasted cheese and chips I had made for lunch steadily getting cooler and less delicious. Curse you, capricious door pixies.
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds make excellent baking music and I'm getting a camera so soon this blog can be Illustrated! With Colour! It can be like watching your favorite (though somewhat lame and hackneyed) Warner Brothers cartoons all over again. Personally, I always preferred the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Graveyard humour and irony always gets me.
I am now going to attempt to write something. Have a wonderful day.
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