Hello all things bright and shiny
My "adventure" in Cyprus ends tomorrow - however I don't really feel like documenting two weeks worth of mind-numbing boredom, albeit in a exotic location, while people shout at each other in Greek. Just saying. While I'm just saying I'll also add that Greek TV is awful and that the best thing I watched was Greek Top Chef - pronounced Sef - where one of the contestants lost the squid and the rest had a blazing row about it. But I digress.
Owls are bad-asses. Actual bad-asses. Owls are hardcore. There's just something so creepily, eerily beautiful about them - maybe its the fact that they can turn their heads around pretty far. Or the fact that they're feather covered machines of death wreaking destruction upon the unsuspecting mice community from above. Also they can fly.
Just look at that fluffy machine of death.
The whole owls are awesome thing could probably be applied to any predator - except maybe anglerfish coz those are just gross. Most predators are really beautiful and elegant, and they've got a "I don't give a fuck" attitude about them which is really great. If you saw a lion chasing an antelope or something, which would you root for - the stupid antelope which is clearly going to get its ass handed to it or the speeding hunk of irony muscle and fur which is the lion? Nuff said.
Photogeniety wins over being an exotic form of cow any day. Plus cats have got to be the worlds best animals.
But. Owls have got to be way more badass. Not just because cats can't fly...
but also because owls cough up all the bits of the animal that they didn't eat, so the bones, fur and probably the nervous system, in a neat little package. The most cats can cough up is hairballs.
Hooray for owls. I think one of my new years resolution should be being as badass as an owl but since I can neither fly, swivel my head around or cough up bits of food on demand, I might have to rethink that one.
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